Yes, you read the title correctly, CHANGE IS HERE!
As you may or may not have noticed, I have changed a few things about the blog. There's a new "about me" section. I also changed the header. Best of all, I've changed the entire purpose of this blog!!
No longer is this blog focused exclusively on the BBC's Big Read. I've broadened the horizons and will be including all the books I read. This will truly be an amazing book adventure! For those of you who don't particularly like change and are wondering why I would do such a thing , here are my 2 reasons.
1-The BBC's Big Read list was published in 2003. Thousand upon thousands of books have been published since then and hundreds of them are worth reading. Think about it: Only 4 Harry Potter books were published when the list came out. The 7th Harry Potter is my favorite of the entire series. If I only read and review the Big Read Books, you and I will both be missing out on hundreds of great books, some of which are yet to be published!
2-I love to read lots of different kinds of books. This means that while I am constantly reading, I can go months without reading any of the BBC Big Read books. If I only review those books, it may mean I don't post for several months at a time (note my last post date). If I only post once every few months, what we have is a very boring blog.
I'll still keep track of the BBC Big Read books, and that will still be one of the big focuses of the blog, but my reading and reviewing will not stop there! No, my friends, you are about to see how seriously addicted to reading I really am. I expect I will be posting about once a week, if not more.
My first non-BBC Big Read post will be up by the end of next week. Here's a hint: It's young adult fiction about a dystopian society and it was was written by a friend of mine. No, I don't know Suzanne Collins, even though I wish I did, meaning the post will not be about the Hunger Games.
Included in the post will be some special content you won't be able to find anywhere else. No joke.
Stay tuned for details...